Research and Training Revolving Fund (RTRF), FY2019

The College of Social Sciences (CSS) generated $1,464,337 in FY2019. As in past years, UH System retained 25% ($332,606) and UH Mānoa retained 25% ($332,606) for a total of $665,213. Additionally, this year, UH System and UHM retained $133,911 (9% of the total) for Maunakea-related programs, internet connections, and adjustment for RTRF collections from FY2018. A resulting balance of $665,213 was allocated to CSS.

From the Balance of $665,213 , administrative expenses in the College totaling $295,220 were deducted, primarily for staff and office expenses in the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), resulting in a balance of $369,993.

From the balance of $369,993, 50% (or $184,997) was allocated to departments and PIs who generate RTRF, and 50% (or $184,996) allocated to the College Research Council to support college-wide initiatives promoting research and scholarship.

RTRF Overview

ItemAmount ($)
50% Reduction for System/Mānoa665,213.42
Maunakea Related Programs73,390.00
Internet Connections23,778.00
Difference in RTRF Collections36,743.21
CSS/SSRI Administration (20%)295,220.00
CSS Research Council (12.6%)184,996.00
Departments/PIs (12.6%)184,997.00

College-wide Initiatives

Added to Research Council’s $184,997 was $27,155 in unspent RTRF from previous years, for a new total of $212,151, allocated as follows:

ItemAmount ($)
Research Travel Support ($50,701 for faculty and $13k for students)63,701
Research Support Awards (3-4 awards @ $10,000 to $23,000)80,000
Undergraduate Research6,000
Distinguished Scholar Mentor Program5,000
Research Contingency5,000
Pre-submission Proposal Review Panel (3 @ $150 per review)450
Grant Development Office52,000

CSS Departmental RTRF Expenditures, FY2018

July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018

Budget CategoryAmount ($)% of Total
Personnel (Salaries and Benefits)81,006.0538.5%
Printing & Binding1,330.970.6%
Rental, Repair & Maintenance8,907.144.2%
Stipend (Schship/Fellowship and Student Travel)18,280.078.7%
Subscriptions and Postage899.370.4%
Computer Services and Software4,418.332.1%
Other Expenditures (Prizes/Awards, Fees, Unrecovered Costs)28,354.6413.5%